Primo Time’s contractor timesheet software transforms how businesses monitor hours worked by contractors and freelancers. This advanced digital platform smoothes the process of recording, submitting and overseeing timesheets, ensuring seamless integration with payroll systems for precise billing and adherence to contract terms. 

As time-tracking software, its intuitive interface allows contractors to easily log hours spent on designated projects or tasks, supported by robust approval workflows and detailed reporting. It also merges business requirements with contractors’ ease of use, achieving accuracy and simplicity in time management.

Overview of Contractor Timesheet Software

Our contractor timesheets are tailored to the unique needs of contractors, freelancers and small businesses, streamlining project tracking, project management, client billing and more. 

The software offers a holistic solution with features such as real-time tracking, comprehensive project and task organisation, detailed client management, automated invoicing, and insightful reporting, ensuring business operations are efficient and billings precise. As an added bonus, our business tools are easily accessible on mobile devices.

How to Fill Out Timesheets Correctly

Understand the Requirements

Before filling out your timesheet, you must acquaint yourself with the guidelines provided by your contracting company or client. Understanding the criteria will help to ensure accurate and compliant time-tracking.

Record Accurate Time

For every task or project undertaken, you should meticulously document the time spent. Honesty and precision in your time entries are crucial in terms of maintaining integrity and transparency.

Include Breaks

Remember to account for any breaks or interruptions during your working hours. Some timesheets may require you to deduct break times from your total hours worked to ensure accuracy.

Use Correct Codes

If applicable, utilise the designated project or task codes your employer or client has provided. This practice will help you categorise your time entries correctly, facilitating efficient tracking and management.

Provide Descriptions

Accompany each time entry with brief descriptions or notes detailing the work performed during that period. This additional information will enable your client to understand and monitor your activities.

Submit On Time

Adhere to the deadline for submitting your timesheet to ensure timely processing and payment. Submissions must be made on time in order to avoid administrative delays or payment issues.

Review for Accuracy

Before submission, thoroughly review your timesheet to verify the accuracy and completeness of each entry. Take extra care to identify and rectify any errors or omissions.

Seek Approval If Required

If your timesheet requires approval from a supervisor or client, ensure you obtain their signature/agreement before submission. This is essential in terms of compliance and accountability.

Retain Copies

Keep copies of your completed timesheets for your records. These copies will serve as valuable evidence in the event of any disputes or discrepancies arising in the future.

Communicate Any Issues

Should you encounter any challenges or discrepancies while completing your timesheet, you should get in touch with your supervisor or designated contact at the earliest opportunity. Addressing issues helps to maintain efficiency and resolve concerns effectively.

Construction Timesheet App

At Primo Time, our construction timesheet software is designed to meet the unique needs of contractors, enhancing productivity and streamlining work processes.

Ease of Use

Our construction time-tracking app ensures a smooth experience. The intuitive interface, simple hour-logging, project-monitoring and report-creation are all designed with effortless usability in mind.

Time-Tracking Features

Discover our robust construction time-tracking software features, which encompass timers, manual entry alternatives and the capacity to categorise time according to project, task or client.


We have designed our app to offer flexibility in accommodating various billing rates, overtime regulations and project configurations tailored to construction companies and individual needs.

Mobile Accessibility

Primo Time promotes convenience with a mobile version or companion app, enabling seamless time-tracking using a smartphone or tablet.


Explore Primo Time’s compatibility with your existing tools and software, including project management platforms, accounting software and calendar apps, thus enhancing workflow efficiency.

Reporting and Analytics

Our app’s reporting capabilities offer valuable insights into time utilisation, project profitability and essential metrics, empowering you to manage your business effectively.


Our app provides built-in invoicing features that seamlessly integrate with your existing invoicing software, streamlining the billing process for your convenience.

Client Management

Within Primo Time, you will find robust tools for organising client information and covering contact details, project histories and billing preferences. These features are especially advantageous for contractors who manage multiple clients.

Customisation Options

As our app can customise your fields, labels, settings and even billable hours, it can be tailored to your unique needs and preferences.

Security and Privacy

Primo Time has robust security features to protect sensitive data, such as encryption, user authentication and regular data backups.

Customer Support

We offer exceptional customer support characterised by availability, responsiveness and a diverse range of support channels.


We provide a transparent pricing model that allows you to evaluate the app’s cost and determine whether it delivers exceptional value for the features and functionality provided, while at the same time taking account of your budget and potential return on investment.

Timesheets, Invoicing and Payments – A Guide for Contractors

The Primo Time software streamlines the management of timesheets, invoicing and payments for UK contractors and construction workers. Our comprehensive platform ensures contractors can easily submit detailed construction timesheets and choose invoicing methods that suit their business structure through a limited company or an umbrella company.

Potential Payment Issues?

At Primo Time, we address common payment issues in the construction industry, from ensuring timesheet and invoice accuracy to mitigating late submissions and resolving disputes over hours worked. 

Our platform streamlines the submission and approval process, provides a safeguard against misplaced documents, and integrates seamlessly with compliance and tax regulations, including IR35. We also facilitate open communication between contractors and clients, promoting timely payments and reducing administrative burdens. 

With Primo Time, you can navigate the complexities of contractor payments with confidence, which will in turn allow you to focus more on your work and less on paperwork.

Timesheet Accuracy

Primo Time enhances timesheet accuracy through technology, user education and streamlined processes. Our software automates time-tracking on the job site, thus reducing manual errors. Tutorials are also available to ensure the software is used correctly. 

With customisable features to suit a range of business needs, integrated payroll and project management, and a user-friendly interface, the software can ensure precise time-logging and operational efficiency.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Primo Time’s timesheet software offers a number of significant benefits and some considerations for contractors.


  • Increased Accuracy: Automates tracking to ensure accurate payroll processes.
  • Improved Efficiency: Streamlines submissions and management.
  • Enhanced Compliance: Ensures adherence to labour regulations.
  • Real-Time Visibility: Offers immediate insights into work and progress.
  • Simplified Payroll: Seamlessly integrates with payroll systems.
  • Project Management: Enhances project oversight, including job-costing.
  • Remote Work Compatibility: Supports distributed team management.


  • Learning Curve: It may entail initial training.

Balancing these aspects is key to optimising workflow and contractor relationships.

Here’s the link to claim your free licence. Make sure you fill in the contact details/form.